Thursday 1 August 2013

8 things a woman needs while traveling


They say summer is the perfect time for a summer holiday, and then you need to pack. Here's a list with stuff you just need while going on vacation. Have fun reading.

1] Good music
Nothing is better than sitting in the car, on the plane, or laying on the beach, and have some good music. It's always good to have your favorite songs at your fingertips! So always have some of your most lovely songs on your phone.

2] Bottled water
Through the years i learned to drink water at every time of the day; morning, lunch, dinner or with a snack. Your body is made out of 70% water, so it's really healty to have some water in your bag while traveling.

3] Your phone
Everyone has a phone, and there's nothing better than instagram your favorite bikini while laying on the beach or tweet how cute the guys are in your hotel while you're on vacation.

4] Your favorite book
Books are good in every time of the year. I love John Green his books, they are so nice written and just perfect to read while it's a rainy day or just a day you don't feel like doing anything.

5] A notebook
While going on vacation you can bring a little notebook, and make little stories or doodles in them. Writing what you did each day would be fun to read in a few years, maybe that's a nice idea to try!

6] Healty Snacks
Wherever you go, you need some healty snacks. Apples are really nice, and easy to bring with you. When i was younger i always had 2 apples in my bag, and now i can't stand them cause l ate too much!

7] An open mind
You're traveling because you want to experience a new culture, but sometimes that culture doesn't got something like Starbucks, McDonalds or fast food. Stay open minded and respect the culture.

8] Make up
Everytime you go on a plane, you fall asleep and wake up looking horrible. So always have BB-Cream and some lipgloss, and a brush in your bag cause you never know when you need it the most!

This picture is from my vacation this year, i love palm trees so i made a picture of them :) 

- Lin

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